This family first asked me to take maternity photos before he left off to war. It was one of the most touching and rewarding things I have ever done. I am a lucky mom of 3 with a wonderful father that is here every night to help give them baths and tuck them into bed. I can't imagine having my husband, the father of my children, off in such a scary situation. Military families have my heart. They all sacrifice so much for me and my family. My family is safe at home tonight because of them. I am forever grateful for all of you! Jesse was able to come home for the birth of his little girl. She was the cutest little thing. They called and wanted photos done before he left. I was ecstatic! I was so happy to see him home with his family. The baby had been a little fussy and it started off as a joke about her being small enough to fit in his pocket. Soon, it became reality. The funny thing was, she quit fussing when we put her in! It was so sweet. This family has forever touched my heart. Jesse was here for 2 short weeks and will get to come back home in 9 months. He will be carrying her love for him in his heart and his pocket. Every time he puts on his pants, I am sure he will picture her being there. Can't wait to see you Jesse when you get back. I will pray for you and your family daily! If you would like to see more of this session, or the maternity photos, you can visit my facebook page or my website. Thank you iheartfaces for a chance to share this with everyone! Make sure and vote for photo #507 :)
I also have this photo in a contest with Owen's Originals. Will you please click the "like" link under the photo? I have a chance to win new lighting :) Thank you for your help. Just click this link to go to the photo.